It’s been a big weekend around here.

My niece, Miss Morgan, turned 1 today and we attended her first birthday party on Saturday. Plus our beloved Earl the #Pug turned 14 (14!), also on Saturday.

Sunday was a beautiful mix of baking, laundry, blog writing, piano playing, and watching The Sound of Music for the gazillionth time.  (Wait. What? How did laundry get into that statement?)

I never, ever get tired of watching The Sound of Music. Christopher Plummer. Julie Andrews. Those amazing songs. It’s perfection, I tell you. And Joe is, at this moment, rolling his eyes at me because I am singing along to every song. (Except that I do catch him stopping what he’s doing and watching the TV screen every time a song comes on. Shhh! Don’t tell.)

While I’m busy singing along to all my favorite Sound of Music songs, here are a few of my favorite photos from the weekend:

Birthday Girl Tutu | via

The birthday girl and her tutu, surveying her expanse of gifts.

The Birthday Girl | via

My mom, Miss Morgan and me.

My Boy Joe | via

A #selfie with my boy Joe, right before Miss Morgan literally dove into her birthday cake. (Picture of that on my Facebook page – here.)

Silly #Selfie | via

A silly #selfie after the birthday party (and after the removal of all the frosting from Morgan’s hair) – girls have to cut loose, you know!

Earl the #Pug | via

The birthday pug – our Old Man Earl.

Cinnamon Rolls with Maple Frosting | via

And these. I mean. No words. (Recipe here from The Pioneer Woman)

Let Christmas week begin!  Are you ready?


0 comments on Weekend Wrap-Up.

  1. Hi Lara, I do love the picture of the birthday girl in her tutu. You have a very nice blog.
    I just wanted you to know I received my Christmas surprise. Thanks so much!!! I like!

    • Hi MaryBeth! So glad you received the Christmas package! 🙂 I have been enjoying your blog and getting to know you and your area better, too. Have a very Merry Christmas!

      – Lara

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