Month: April 2015

Cheddar Potato Chowder with Turkey Bacon | via #SwitchToTurkey #JennieO #TurkeyEveryday

Turkey Tuesday: Cheddar Potato Chowder with Turkey Bacon

Given this week’s recipe – Cheddar Potato Chowder with Turkey Bacon – let’s talk about turkey bacon, shall we? I’ve found that folks, generally, land in one of three camps when it comes to turkey bacon: 1) The “Love-Turkey-Bacon Camp” because it’s a healthy switch; this group rarely, if ever, buys pork bacon anymore. 2) The […] Read more…

Oatmeal chocolate cookies | via

Sunday Somethings.

I am ridiculously tired tonight. As in – zero energy. None at all. And yet, I don’t want to go to sleep. Instead, I am eating peanut butter pie frozen custard with chocolate sauce and writing blog posts. This is, of course, what makes Sunday nights and the inevitable creep of Monday’s to do list […] Read more…

Ears of corn in Minnesota | via

Factory Farming Mentality.

I must be feeling ornery today. I was reading the Sunday Star Tribune newspaper this morning and this article caught my eye in the business section – “Going Small Pays Off,” a question-and-answer article about a manager of a Twin Cities farmer’s market. As I would expect, she was asked how her business compares to the (and […] Read more…

Flock of Turkeys | via

The Worry and Work on Avian Influenza.

If you live in Minnesota and watch or read the local news, it’s been pretty hard to miss the almost daily reports of a deadline avian flu hitting turkey flocks in Minnesota. I’ve written about it for (most recently here) but I haven’t covered it too much on my blog. It’s hard to put […] Read more…

https://myoLemon Blueberry Coffee Cake | via

Lemon Blueberry Coffee Cake

I don’t mind telling you that I’m not ready to start a new week. Do I have to? I believe I’d like to continue my state of denial at least through Madam Secretary and The Good Wife tonight. You don’t mind, do you? So first of all, the sun actually shone in Minnesota the entire weekend […] Read more…

Easter. Family. Farm | via

Easter. Family. Farm.

When life gets stressful for me, I always find the farm a very helpful place to get away. Is it the sense of calm that descends as we drive down the very familiar driveway, lined with decades-old trees and farm fields near and far to the eye? Is it because no matter how old I get […] Read more…