Another weekend is almost in the books. And it’s June 1 tomorrow. Whaaaaat?

Do you know what this means? It means that by Friday, I will officially have one husband and one son out of school for the summer. Both are fairly excited about this prospect. Me? Well, it’s all good, of course, but it will take about a week or so for me to get acclimated to a summer schedule that includes me getting up and going to work, while the two of them do not.

Even after all these years, it’s a little weird at first, I’m not going to lie.

My whole morning routine is thrown off until I fully adjust. So forgive me if I’m just a bit discombobulated for a few days, will you please?

For now, I’ll recap in photos what has been an outstanding weekend, and look ahead to some fun stuff for the last week of school.

Sunday Round-Up | Via

In a bit of brilliant but impromptu planning on Friday night, we managed to snag quality time with Miss Morgan at our house on Saturday while her mama (my sister) was working and her daddy was golfing with Teacher Man. In other news, isn’t this photo just so stinking cute?

Sunday Roundup | via

On one of our adventures, Joe and I took Miss Morgan to Sturgis Park in Buffalo, where there several different instrument stations set up to explore. She had a blast making music with Joe’s assistance.

Sunday Roundup | via

A little break to enjoy the view – and the company of an older cousin – is always a good thing.

Sunday Roundup | via

And some solid swing time with cousin Joe always brings out the big smiles and belly laughs.

Sunday Round-Up | Via

All these adventures take their toll, of course, and nap time is inevitable.

Sunday Round-Up | Via

For more than just Morgan, apparently.

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Back at home, mama came over after work and it was time for the obligatory #selfie out on our deck while the guys were reliving their golf game, for better or worse. 😉

Sunday Roundup | via

And then we must break for bubbles, which are Miss Morgan’s favorite new hobby – and quite possibly the cutest word she currently says. (Well, not counting my name, which she enunciates with perfection!) I forgot how I used to spend hours outside with Joe on a summer night, blowing bubbles and exploring our yard. 🙂

Sunday Roundup | via

Sunday afternoon provided me some much-needed time to get my gardens in shape. I planted celery and was also pleased to see the growth in all my yellow beans, which took A LONG TIME to come up but are finally peeking through the soil and looking very good, I must say. Teacher Man and I put down cocoa bean mulch on the remainder of our garden beds, and I also planted the seeds of six varieties of zinnias:

  • Polar Bear
  • Seniorita
  • Senora
  • Queen Red Lime
  • Dancing Girls
  • White Wedding

Last year, my zinnia bed was inundated with too much rain and then, subsequently, too many bunnies. It rebounded better than I expected, but this year, I’m hoping for a smoother start!

Sunday Roundup | via

I am loving, especially right now, my ivy geranium hanging basket with the vibrant pink flowers that are just starting to bloom. (My mini dahlias, on the other hand, are still being protected from overzealous rabbits – at least for now.)

Sunday Roundup | via

Coming up this week … Joe has a big week at school, including his 5th grade “graduation” ceremony on Wednesday and “Wacky Day” on Thursday, when he is planning to dress like a super hero he has created called “Bathman”. You can see he rigorously mapped out his strategy, including all the accoutrements he will require. Which is why I was purchasing a loofah at Target this afternoon.

Hope you have a great start to the week!

– Lara –


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