The Many Faces of Joe during 6th grade math homework | via

Thursday night has commenced and it’s just Joe and me around home tonight. Teacher Man has his second night of parent-teacher conferences this week so he will be rolling in later, presumably exhausted but no less excited about the weekend coming up than we are.

Here are the Thursday night particulars thus far:

  • Pizza: Domino’s. (We only order this when Teacher Man isn’t home because he’s not a big fan.)
  • Homework: Math. (Wish me luck. See also the many faces of Joe doing homework above.)
  • Practice: Piano and percussion. (I am infinitely more helpful in these areas.)
  • TV: NFL football on mute (Sound interferes with math homework concentration.)

As for the rest of the week, here are five highlights:

Animal Print Heels | via

Yes, animal print heels are definitely on the highlight reel for a multitude of reasons, of which I’ll state three. 1) I don’t get to wear these all that often (my office is pretty casual on a day-to-day basis); 2) I walked into the Madewell store at Mall of America wearing these shoes and the store clerks gushed over how cute they were and how they had to be J.Crew. (For the record, these are Nine West heels and I paid much, much less for them than any pair of shoes J.Crew offers); and 3) Since I was filling in for the boss at an event on Tuesday, I had to wear my most boss shoes. (Get it?) 😉

Nars lip crayon | via

As long as we’re talking fashion, I am going to share that I’ve been trying out a new red lipstick to inject more color into my face this fall. (I mentioned my obsession with lip color here.) I was given a sample of NARS Lip Pencil in “Cruella” and I must admit I’m kind of digging it. I’m usually wary of red lip color, mostly because it’s hard to find the right shade and it needs to glide on pretty smoothly, which if it doesn’t, it could really age me. (Hence the whole “Cruella” thing.) But with all that said, this little experiment has been fun.

Earl the Pug | via

Have I mentioned that years ago we should’ve set up Earl the Pug with his own social media accounts so that we could pose him in different ways every day and post the pictures? (This would’ve also, I’m sure, led to a full-time job as his marketing coordinator and we would be selling an Earl the Pug calendar on Amazon by now.) But alas, this did not happen. Instead, we just goof around and take pictures of, for example, Earl “doing” math homework and post these on Instagram where Earl has more fans than I do.

Earl the Pug | via

This is Earl the Pug every single morning, watching his beloved Joe Man walk down the street to catch the bus. What you didn’t see this morning, however, was a text that came in five minutes later when Joe declared that he had somehow managed to miss the bus. I picked him up (in my car, wearing pajamas and slippers), and he did indicate that he walked with purpose, mostly, except for this one moment where he stopped to look at something for no more than 10 seconds – or well, maybe it was 30 seconds. This was also apparently the exact moment the bus drove by – without him.

My Girl Morgan | via

And finally … this face! My niece Morgan went to the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum with her mom and Grandma Marilyn today and all I got was this photo by text. 😉 Ha! Apparently this morning, as her mom was getting her ready, she suddenly said “Shhhhh!” When her mom asked her why she should be quiet, Morgan pointed upstairs and said “Joe-Lawa!” as if we were sleeping at her house. This girl is too funny!

That’s all, kids – hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Lara (also known as “Joe-Lawa”)


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