How is everyone doing? It’s turned a little chilly this week in Minnesota (not surprising by any means), but the weekend is looking decent and we’ll be heading to my brother’s on the farm to celebrate the end of a safe and successful harvest, Halloween, and some serious duck hunting for the guys.

I’m bringing my Special K Bars, perennial family favorite Turkey Roll-Ups, and wine.

Lots of wine. (Hello? You should know this by now.)

Until then, here are a few treats to get you through Friday:

Halloween throwback from three years ago – easily my favorite Earl costume EVER.

iPug Halloween costume | via

Smile – it’s time for flu shots for everyone! (Well, okay, it was nasal mist … in other words – and according to Teacher Man – we wimped out.)

High Five for Friday | via

My nephew Davis has a new pup and his name is Colt. We can’t wait to meet him this weekend! Well, except Earl; he will probably not be too impressed. Puppies are more of a nuisance than anything else to the Old Man Pug. 😉

I think Jennie-O read my mind when they shipped me this Oven Ready whole turkey. (I’m a blogger in Jennie-O’s Switch Circle so occasionally I get sent products to try.) I literally was just thinking about showcasing this product on my blog because it’s just so dang easy to cook – and it will give me leftovers for all kinds of great stuff. Stay tuned …

#JennieO Oven Ready whole turkey | via

Gratuitous bacon shot as a shot out to the somewhat overblown announcement from the World Health Organization that cured meats (and red meats on a lesser level) are now labeled carcinogens and could cause an increased risk of cancer. (Find out here why this announcement shouldn’t freak you out; it’s all about moderation people – which goes for other WHO carcinogens like wine and sunlight.) Wasn’t it Jimmy Kimmel who said this week “All this talk about bacon just makes me want more bacon.”


Bacon! | via

Bonus selfie: My new favorite color – I love this sweater from Madewell and it was cool enough to wear it to the office this week. (I can’t believe I actually typed that and I was excited that I could wear a sweater. This explains that odd dichotomy of me – essentially a summer-loving gal – being from Minnesota.)

Madewell Sweater | via

Bonus #2 – I just found out today that Snapfish is offering 100 free prints EVERY month for a year if you download its Snapfish app. That’s a great deal if you still like to have prints made of your photos!

Have a great weekend!


P.S. I’m linking up with The Diary of a Real Housewife this week for her Friday Favorites Link-Up Party!


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