Month: March 2016

Weekend Snaps | via

Weekend Snaps: The Calm Before the Storm

I find myself sitting in our porch tonight under two of the most unlikely scenarios: The window is open on this crazy beautiful – warm! – March evening. I am all by myself. Well, not counting Earl the pug, who is snoring at my feet. But there is no Teacher Man or Joe Man here […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps: And How Was Your Weekend? | via

Weekend Snaps: And How Was Your Weekend?

It’s Sunday night, folks, and I have very few photos from the weekend to share. I realize this may be surprising, considering I have about 4,000 photos on my iPhone, but it is what it is.  Instead, I’m going to share this photo of my favorite Facetime buddy, my niece Miss Morgan from Saturday night. […] Read more…

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