This is November in Minnesota? | via #golf #teacherman #lularoeHey friends, how was your weekend?

Aside from listening to my crabby tweener attempt to practice his piano right now (it’s not going well), my weekend was pretty stellar.

  1. I had a practice run at girls’ weekend when my sister-in-law, niece, and mom came for lunch and some local shopping in Buffalo. Fun times!
  2. I did a little work on my LuLaRoe room, specifically getting my photo backdrop ready and ordering some more supplies. Like hangers, lots and lots of hangers.
  3. A golf date with Teacher Man. In November. In Minnesota.

I know, whaaaat? That’s crazy talk, only it isn’t. It’s 65 degrees out as I write this and the hubby and I enjoyed what will be our last round of golf for the year this morning. We played 9 holes and I was THIS CLOSE to beating him today, if only he didn’t have to go and birdie the last whole. Whatevs.

So now I must return to my crabby son and see how the music practice is going. Wish me luck!


This is November in Minnesota? | via #golf #teacherman #lularoe

My new photo backdrop. (Yes, I’m a dork and took a selfie so I could test the lighting.)

This is November in Minnesota? | via #golf #teacherman #lularoe

Look at November in Minnesota! (Shorts!)

This is November in Minnesota? | via #golf #teacherman #lularoe

Teacher Man!

This is November in Minnesota? | via #golf #teacherman #lularoe

How I Roe for my golf date … as if I wouldn’t wear LuLaRoe! 😉



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