Month: December 2016

Christmas Eve 'Eve' via

Christmas Eve ‘Eve’!

As I sit here in our porch on Christmas Eve “Eve” – the night before Christmas Eve – I am feeling very blessed. How could I not? I have a family I adore. I have a day job that keeps me on my toes and allows me to utilize my talents and passion for sharing […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via

Weekend Snaps | What Day Is It?

The whirlwind known as December continues and I only half in jest ask what day it actually is. 😉 Between my day job and my LuLaRoe business, the days are flying by and I haven’t had much time to blog. Add the holidays into the mix and all I can say is: thank goodness for online […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | All in for a LuLaRoe Launch!

Happy Sunday, friends! How has your weekend been?  Typically my Weekend Snaps posts contain a variety of photos of what we’ve been up to, but this weekend, I must admit that I have been mostly LuLaRoe focused. Now don’t worry, I still had plenty of family time, including a movie date with Joe to see […] Read more…