Month: February 2018

Trying to make sense of this crazy world

It’s been an emotionally draining week, given the news coming out of Florida. It all seemed to hit me today. Perhaps it was the slowdown of Friday afternoon. I don’t know. But when my son texted me an hour before school was out – “Mom, can you pick me up today?” – I realized that […] Read more…

Health Insurance Plans Push Healthy Food Discounts

Health Insurance Plans & Healthy Food Discounts

I was sitting at the kitchen counter this morning, enjoying my breakfast of cranberry pomegranate juice and a blueberry Pop Tart (no judging – I don’t have these everyday), innocently reading the Star Tribune when this headline caught my eye: Insurance plans push healthier choices at grocery store Interesting, I thought, and set about reading […] Read more…

LuLaRoe Madison

Random Update #567

I should be working right now. I have so. much. to. get. done. But alas, it’s 9:05 p.m. and I just want to blog some randomness. Is that so wrong? 1) I may have ordered two new pairs of shoes tonight. I know, I know — like I need more shoes. But you guys. Look […] Read more…

Super Bowl Weekend in Minneapolis

An Update from the #BoldNorth!

It’s never a good sign when you send a video chat message to your mother and she responds with, “You look tired, dear. You need another nap.” 😉 Although in this case, it means that the past week+ has been full of amazing and awesome experiences so perhaps it’s really a good sign on this […] Read more…