Tonight was Joe’s last 8th grade jazz band concert … there will be many more concerts, I’m sure, but suddenly we will find our son in high school and we will wonder how that exactly happened so quickly.

My parents, sister, and niece came to the concert and we had the most fun time enjoying a pre-concert dinner at our house. (I tried a new recipe with turkey sausage and it was absolutely AMAZING. I will blog about this soon. Plus I made a pretty incredible Caesar Salad with a fancy name – Caesar Salad with Broken Eggs and Crushed Croutons from Smitten Kitchen Every Day: Triumphant and Unfussy New Favorites. Delish – and not as complicated as it sounds! 

A pre-concert picture of Joe with his guests:

Music and Family

And a post concert celebration at Dairy Queen … because, well, ice cream!

Music and Family
Music and Family
A memorable night … the kind that let’s you revel in the little things. A good meal. Cousins hanging out. Fun music. And dessert.


xoxo – Lara

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