And that’s a wrap!

Joe’s confirmation, that is.

Three years of Bible study, small group sessions, sermon notes, and service projects and he has affirmed his faith and officially became an adult member of the church now. We’re obviously proud parents, although not necessarily because he completed all his requirements. That’s not surprising for Joe – he’s a very studious, academic, and responsible student, whether it’s at school or in confirmation.

We’re proud because Joe’s character and his kind heart continues to grow. 

I heard last week that back in July at church camp, Joe really helped a fellow camper who was getting picked on by some of the other kids. Joe took him under his wing and spent time with him and offered to pray with him if he wanted. 

That, to me, epitomizes all the lessons learned at confirmation. 

When we asked Joe about it, he said “The kids were mean to him and that’s not right.”

His answer warms this mama’s heart. Joe has always had a kind soul but it’s gratifying to hear that he’s being a good person and a good friend all on his own.

We had a wonderful day of celebration with family, and if you don’t mind, I’m going to share a few photos, of course. 🙂  

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Joe’s favorite cake is an ice cream cake! 🙂 

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But he also LOVES Grandma Marilyn’s “chocolate surprise cupcakes“! (And now we have extra for the week, too!)

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With the Vikings game on the background, I had to provide a game day dip — and this Kicked Up Cheesy Corn and Turkey Sausage Dip from A Farmgirl’s Dabbles did not disappoint. 

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My sister and I rocked our LuLaRoe for the celebration. 🙂

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What a beautiful compass from my brother’s family! (And the card that went with it … priceless!) 

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Cousin Morgan couldn’t resist putting Joe’s gift in a Frozen gift bag – and signing the envelope with her name. Cute!!

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Joe’s Bible verse was Hebrews 13:5-6 … and my sister found this completely perfect metal sign on Amazon for him. It’s totally Joe’s humor!

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Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Michael gave Joe this gorgeous sign for his room.

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A selfie as we were waiting in church prior to the service.

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Joe’s Grandpa Norman and Aunt Pat, who traveled through quite a bit of snow (yes, snow, on October 14!) to get here. Pat’s daughter is one of Joe’s godmothers but she lives in Colorado and couldn’t be here for the day. We’re so glad Pat could represent her!

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My sister and her family. 

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My brother and his family – both he and my sister-in-law are Joe’s godparents. 

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Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Michael.

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And us. 🙂 

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to curl up under a quilt and either read a book or watch HGTV … I’m ready to chill and do a whole lot of nothing tonight. Have a wonderful start to your week, friends!

xoxox – Lara

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