Month: September 2019

Europe Trip 2019, part 2: Normandy

Europe Trip 2019, Part 2: Normandy

Oh my, where to start with the second leg of our Europe trip? Normandy – and especially the picturesque town of Bayeux – captured my heart. At every turn, I saw a beautiful photo enfold in my mind and I had to stop and take it. And then the people! Incredibly friendly and quick with […] Read more…

Europe Trip 2019 - Part 1: Paris

Europe Trip 2019, Part 1: Paris

I keep promising myself I’m going to write about our trip to France and Ireland but then I get completely overwhelmed thinking abut it. Because: I’m not a travel writer. I have abut 2,687 trip photos (roughly) so how would I even pick a few to post? What would be useful and/or fun for you […] Read more…

State Fair 2019

Happy Labor Day, friends! I hope you’ve had a great holiday weekend so far. Mine kicked off a little early on Thursday for my annual trek to the Minnesota State Fair with Joe and my sister and her daughter. It was pretty fun. 😉 I give a special shout-out to my 15-year-old son, who is […] Read more…