Well, here we are on April 1, 2020. It’s an uncertain, scary and surreal time and I know I’m feeling more anxious on a daily basis than I ever remember feeling at any point in my life.
I have been telling myself over and over again that I need to let go what I can’t control, but it’s been a day-by-day struggle. I am sure it is for so many of you, as well.
If I’m being completely honest, sometimes it’s hard to want to get out of bed in the morning, knowing that we’re facing another day of a global pandemic, knowing that the work I do (planning events) is full of new unknowns surrounding event cancellations, and knowing — this is the most important part — that I hope and pray my family and friends all stay safe and healthy.
It’s a lot, I tell you.
Well, I don’t really have to tell you. You’re living this right along with me.
I don’t have any answers. But I do want you to know that I’m thinking about and praying for you too. And I’ve decided to try to share a photo each day (give or take) on this blog that shows you a glimpse of my ‘shelter in place’ life. It might be funny or happy or pretty or messy or even sad. Whatever it is, I want it to give me something to look forward to sharing each day and I hope it makes us feel connected in this virtual world.
Let’s all stay home, stay safe and stay healthy!

Spring break reimagined for Joe means hours of working on Dungeons and Dragons in his room – with a plan to play the game virtually with his D&D loving friends. I have no idea how D&D really works – I just pretend to understand when he and his friends give me updates. 😉
And in other news, that is a life-sized R2D2 in Joe’s room.

And it wouldn’t be self isolation in my house without plenty of baking. These Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Brownies (yes, there is a brownie layer underneath all that yumminess!) hit just the sweet spot for Joe and me today.
xoxo – Lara