It’s been a while since I posted about a few good things I am digging right now. And since it’s already May and a good 6 weeks into this whole COVID-19 shelter in place situation, I figure I have a few more good things to share!

Planning the Day
This is my Daily Page Planner from Thyme is Honey. I love it because each page is just for one day — and I can include work, home, meal planning, even how much water I drink. And did I mention it’s just day by day? I didn’t know how important that would be in 2020 until the pandemic came along. This planner doesn’t stress me out – and let’s me take things one day at a time. With coffee as needed.

Bring on the Golf
Another good thing? Actually cleaning my golf clubs and organizing my golf bag, which I haven’t done in like a gazillion years. With the new golf course social distancing and no-contact rules in place — which means no golf ball cleaning stations at each hole — I realized I needed to get down to business. And wow – it feels good and I can’t wait to get back out there and play!
COVID-19 hair … Don’t Care!
I found this old picture of me in high school and couldn’t resist the comparison. I am not quite to the 80s level hair yet – and doubt I could get there without a home perm, which isn’t happening. 😉 I am, however, rediscovering my affinity for cute headbands as long as they don’t pinch or otherwise annoy me. I found this fabric headband in the cutest store in Chandler, Arizona, years ago!
Macaron Goals
I conquered my goal of making French macarons last week and I have to say I am quite proud of myself. I couldn’t have done it without this blog post from (plus her video on Instagram) or the tips from my cousin’s daughter, Saari, who is an excellent baker in her own right. I can’t wait to make more!
Online Shopping
It must be getting closer to summer because I am loving all the linen I am seeing in catalogs and online. This J.Jill A-Line Shirtdress comes in three lovely colors and looks so cute with sneakers. The overalls are a secret crush of mine. I use to wear bibs all the time in the early 1990s so it’s quite doubtful I’ll go back to that trend, but these make it very, very tempting!

May Flowers
And finally, spring pansies are always a good thing in my book! I am quite impatient to do more planting but I’m biding my time as I know it’s a little early yet in Minnesota. Soon, though!
Take care, stay safe and enjoy your good things, friends!
xoxo – Lara