Turkey Spaghetti Pie | #switchtoturkey #turkeyeveryday #serveturkey

Turkey Spaghetti Pie

I wasn’t going to blog tonight, but I feel I must share with you these two recipes I made today – Turkey Spaghetti Pie and the most amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe. I took a day off because it’s fall break for schools in Minnesota, and I really wanted to spent the day with my […] Read more…

My Turkey Family

I was reminded this weekend that I am lucky to have an extended “family” who I also happen to work for as the communications director for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (or MTGA for short). After 17 years with the organization, it only makes sense that I would get to know many of these people […] Read more…

Maybe I am an AgNerd

Let’s talk about being an “AgNerd,” shall we? Part of the reason I finally launched this blog – a much thought about dream of mine – can be traced back to Kansas City in August. I found myself smack dab in the middle of all these amazing social media rock stars/AgNerds who are on Twitter, […] Read more…

Deep Breath … Here I Go!

So the thing about starting a blog is – I’m ridiculously nervous about it. I want the title to be exactly right and the design to look “like me”. And heaven forbid I actually write the first blog post. Will it be interesting? funny? worthwhile enough for anyone who happens to read it? Of course […] Read more…

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