
Antibiotic Use on a Turkey Farm | via

Turkey Tuesday: Handling a Heat Wave

It’s been too long since I’ve written about turkeys. Blame it on a busy schedule, vacation days, summer … although if I’m completely honest with you, I’ve been a little burned out writing about agriculture. I’ve been feeling a little stretched thin, with commitments to this blog, my communications career at Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, […] Read more…

MTGA Summer Conference |

Farmers Learn & Network, Too!

A week ago I was in Duluth to kick off the summer conference of the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association. This event is a chance for our members – the turkey farmers, turkey companies, and related industry folks in our state – to get together, network, and learn. We have multiple opportunities for education at the […] Read more…

June is Turkey Lovers Month | via #tryturkey #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday

Turkey Lovers Unite!

June signals many things, including the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, but did you know June is Turkey Lovers’ Month®? It’s true! I’m not just making this up because I, in fact, am a huge fan turkey – as you well know. June is Turkey Lovers’ Month® is a thing. Really. You can […] Read more…

Are animal activists calling the shots? | via

Are animal activists calling the shots?

I’ve been in a bit of a writing slump regarding agriculture topics. It’s not that I don’t enjoy writing about agriculture or the poultry farmers I know; I think sometimes I just get burned out dealing with the onslaught of misinformation, fear marketing, and flat-out false (and by that, I mean purposely false) information making […] Read more…

2016 MPF Convention | via

The Big Event & Post-Hibernation

It’s taken me 72 hours of mini-hibernation but I think I’m finally catching up on my sleep. Last Monday I took off for Saint Paul, where my office started set up for the 45th annual Midwest Poultry Federation Convention – the largest show focused solely on the poultry industry in the U.S. The convention itself […] Read more…

Antibiotics in poultry production | via

High Five for Friday!

I’m torn about being super excited it’s almost the weekend and super panicked because – oh my God, it’s the weekend but I have about a zillion things to do at work between now and mid-March and how in the world is it all ever going to get done? Did I just type that out […] Read more…

The basics of egg nutrition | via #incredibleeggs #womeninag

The Basics of Egg Nutrition

Note from Lara: I wrote this blog post for earlier this week and want to also share it here as I think the information is really helpful. Reprinted with permission from Meredith Corporation and I’m switching gears just a little with this blog post to talk a bit about eggs. With so many […] Read more…

Christmas in the Country Gift Exchange 2015 | via

Christmas in the Country – Gift Reveal and Link-Up!

It’s time for the big reveal! This year, I have been honored to be a co-host of the Christmas in the Country gift exchange – along with these lovely ladies: Jamie from This Uncharted Rhoade, Laurie from COUNTRY LINKed, and Kirby from 15009 Farmhouse. I can’t begin to tell you how much fun they have made this […] Read more…

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