My Boy Joe

Super Bowl Weekend in Minneapolis

An Update from the #BoldNorth!

It’s never a good sign when you send a video chat message to your mother and she responds with, “You look tired, dear. You need another nap.” 😉 Although in this case, it means that the past week+ has been full of amazing and awesome experiences so perhaps it’s really a good sign on this […] Read more…

Vanilla Chocolate Chip Mini Scones


I can’t believe it’s basically been a month since I’ve posted.  Well, I can believe it – but I don’t necessarily like it. November was a whirlwind – so busy at work with the National Thanksgiving Turkey project and trying to fit in a little LuLaRoe in between a little family time and a little […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | All About MJ

As I sat down to write this post and I looked at all my photos from the weekend, it was clear that this weekend was all about MJ … that’s Miss Morgan, our 3-year-old niece.  Oh wait, 3-and-a-HALF, thank you very much! 😉  She spent Friday evening through Sunday morning with us and she was […] Read more…

Coneflower |

Enjoying the little life moments.

I have just spent two days without wearing any makeup. None at all.  And we have had absolutely no schedule. I even had two naps yesterday. Yes. Two naps. Bliss. Total bliss. My son has probably had too much screen time – but he has helped me with watering the gardens without any complaint and […] Read more…

Mother's Day Weekend 2017 | via

Mother’s Day Weekend

I had way too much fun this weekend – starting with the fact that I took Friday off and turned it into a three-day weekend. Plus, the weather was GLORIOUS. It felt like summer – finally! Here’s a rundown of everything we packed into the last three days: Thursday night Teacher Man and I went […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via

Weekend Snaps | Family

Hey friends … here we are, Sunday night again. I’ve got a busy, busy week ahead … starting with a LuLaRoe sale in my Facebook group tonight, a business trip to Detroit on Tuesday/Wednesday, a Hall & Oates concert with Teacher Man on Thursday, and pedicures with the girls on Friday. Whew! I’m looking forward […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Easter via

Weekend Snaps | Easter

Happy Easter, friends! We spent Saturday and Sunday out at the farm, enjoying all sorts of good food and fun family time. In fact, I think photos, in this case, speak louder than words so I’m just going to share some snippets of our weekend. Miss Morgan received a life-sized bunny Easter card that was a […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay | via #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

Weekend Snaps | Staycay Vacay

Oh sadness. My week-long staycation vacation is nearly over. Sigh. Life does go on and I suppose it’s time to get back to the office and get a head start on my spring to-do list. Joe, too, will head back to school tomorrow for the start of his fourth quarter. (Just a few weeks from […] Read more…

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