My Boy Joe

Weekend Snaps | Flowers, Finery & Fun via

Weekend Snaps | Flowers, Finery & Fun

Here we are on the last Sunday in August. How did THAT happen? Teacher Man goes back to school tomorrow (it’s workshop week) and Joe has just one week of vacation left. While I know I will eventually be happy to get back on a regular schedule, I don’t think I’m quite ready for this yet. Not that […] Read more…

Minnesota Summer Night

I just wanted to share this. Because this is what a Minnesota summer night is all about. This is what we do when it’s 90 degrees out; we ride our bikes between two corn fields. And this is what I will miss in January. Lara Read more…

Kayaking Cousins | via

Kayaking Cousins

It’s Monday, folks. And the first day of August. Whaaaat?  I know, how in the world did that happen? I have a lot of posts to catch up on this month, but for now, I give you my new favorite picture from summer.  Joe and his little cousin, Miss Morgan, enjoying Uncle Ladd and Aunt […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Teacher Man's Birthday via

Weekend Snaps | Birthday for Teacher Man!

Teacher Man’s birthday is officially tomorrow but we celebrated this weekend because, well, why not? Saturday was hot, hot, hot – 90+ degrees and super humid so we mostly kept to the indoors to keep cool. Sunday was glorious in the morning – a perfect 70 degree sunny day for a run on the trail […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Father's Day 2016 | via

Weekend Snaps | Father’s Day 2016

This is not going to be the most riveting blog post I’ve ever written – mostly because it’s almost 9 p.m. and I’m tired, people. I got back from my work’s summer conference on Friday afternoon and it has taken me two full days to recuperate. Seriously, this is one of those annoying details about […] Read more…

Piano | via

Off to Duluth!

Hello friends! I’ll be taking a few days off from blogging as I’m heading “up north” as we say in Minnesota – to Duluth for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association annual Summer Conference. I’m looking forward to seeing all my “turkey peeps”, as we gather for education sessions, networking, and plenty of turkey! (Although, I am […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time via

Weekend Snaps | Toddler Time

Hello friends! I’ve been meaning to write up this post but I keep getting distracted. Final load of laundry of the weekend. Dog’s ears need cleaning.   Ice cream. Dog needs to go out one last time. Quick check on the yellow beans and sunflowers to see if they’ve started to come up. (Yes!) Shopping […] Read more…

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