backyard chickens

Dr. Oz Cries Foul Over Fowl | via

Stop the Chicken Bashing, Dr. Oz!

Cue the scary video images and dramatic voiceover. Dr. Oz is at it again. In an episode on his TV show today, he apparently “exposes the horrors” of conventional chicken production. The full episode isn’t available on his website as of yet so, unfortunately, I haven’t been able to watch it all, but judging from […] Read more…

Buff Laced Bantam Chick

Do Chickens Need Turndown Service?

I am turning my attention to chickens today. Specifically chicken hotels … with turndown service. Yes. You just read that correctly. Turndown service. I saw an article floating around Twitter today about a luxury chicken hotel in Eugene, Oregon.  According to the article, for just $2 per chicken per night, the birds receive fresh food, […] Read more…