
Norwegian Kringla Recipe |

Norwegian Kringla Recipe – Updated

Note: I may have some affiliate links in this post for items I recommend. If you click those links and purchase an item, I may get compensation; however, this in no way increases the cost of the item to you. Norwegian kringla (or kringle, depending on how you spell it) is a Christmas tradition in […] Read more…

Christmas Kringla Recipe | via

Grandma’s Christmas Kringla Recipe

Oh my word. Christmas is all officially over and how did that happen, anyway? One of my traditions is always to make Grandma’s Christmas Kringla recipe, so I’m happy to say I did make that happen. Thank my lucky stars I took the entire week off because otherwise I’d be sulking in a funk at the office, […] Read more…

Kringla | via

Kringle to the Rescue!

I’ve been feeling a bit harried and stressed this week. It’s almost as if the Christmas season is rushing by me too fast and I can’t seem to slow down to really enjoy any quiet moments with my family. I realize it’s only December 8 but somehow the early part of the month always has […] Read more…

Merry, Merry Christmas!

I have a few blog post ideas percolating but, as is pretty typical this time of year, life gets busy and I haven’t had much time to write. That’s okay – in between my everyday work commitments, my family has enjoyed the past couple of weeks, filled with Christmas cheer and traditions: This photo was […] Read more…