LuLaRoe Nicole

LuLaRoe Style via

LuLaRoe Style

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about my obsession with LuLaRoe as well as how my side business is going. The short answer is: I still love LuLaRoe and the business is going quite well! I won’t sugarcoat the amount of work – it can be A LOT and some days it can feel […] Read more…

Sunday Catch-Up

It felt fabulous to be home the entire weekend with no schedule! It probably sounds a little crazy, but it was nice to get some laundry done, wash all the sheets off the beds, go grocery shopping, cook an actual meal for my family … all those things I haven’t had a lot of time […] Read more…

Lately | via


(Full and total disclosure: Okay, so I wrote this on Sunday but didn’t have a chance to post it until I got back home. Today. Five days later. Sigh. Welcome to my world.) I’m writing this from a flight enroute to Orlando for the National Turkey Federation Annual Convention – my second work trip in […] Read more…