Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Weekend 2019

My perfect Mother’s Day weekend? I’m pretty easy to please … just give me plenty of time to work in my gardens, cooking a Saturday evening meal at home with my boys, a trip to the local garden store, cookies baking in the oven, a new frog decoration from Joe to add to my collection, […] Read more…

Mother's Day Weekend 2017 | via

Mother’s Day Weekend

I had way too much fun this weekend – starting with the fact that I took Friday off and turned it into a three-day weekend. Plus, the weather was GLORIOUS. It felt like summer – finally! Here’s a rundown of everything we packed into the last three days: Thursday night Teacher Man and I went […] Read more…

My Mother's Day |

Weekend Snaps | My Mother’s Day

I’m not quite sure how we managed, but our weather today for Mother’s Day was absolutely stunning! Low 70s, sunny, and (this is very important) light winds! Really, I’m not sure we could’ve asked for a better day in May – especially since spring has been more of a roller coaster around here and very, […] Read more…

A Simply Perfect Mother's Day.

My Mother’s Day was perfect for many, small reasons. 1. Breakfast in bed. This has been a tradition in our house since Joe was old enough to help in the kitchen. Joe delivered an egg, over easy, on toast, a big bowl of fresh strawberries and a glass of cranberry juice – all while I happily […] Read more…

Motherhood is a Funny Thing, Sometimes.

Motherhood is a funny thing, sometimes. Last night, Teacher Man and Joe took me out to eat for Mother’s Day and we reminisced with Joe about what life was like initially after we brought him home from the hospital. Joy, happiness, anxiety and … the complete opposite of just about every single thought I had […] Read more…

I Fit All This Into One Weekend?

I had the most jam-packed Saturday and it was all fun, fun, fun! Well, except for the weather, which was crappy (barely reaching 40 degrees and cold and gray). But I won’t dwell on that. Instead, I’m dwelling on our little trip out to my parents’ farm on Saturday for some family festivities. Normally, spring […] Read more…