
High Five for Friday!

Here’s the thing: if you think my life should get less crazy the week after Thanksgiving, then you would be wrong, actually. I know, right? This seems to fly contrary to common sense, given I work in communications for the #1 turkey producing state in the U.S. and I just got through what would seem […] Read more…

Roads Traveled.

Note: I wrote this post last Sunday but didn’t have a chance to post it when I arrived in Florida. The picture below is of Joe and his cousin, Audree, not too long after we checked into our resort. 🙂 As I write this, I am traveling to the Florida Keys with Teacher Man and […] Read more…

Staycation = Simplicity

While I am still a little worked up about the whole Panera Bread (#PluckEZChicken) thing, I have truly tried to be “on vacation” this week and give myself a break. (My Panera Bread post is here – and a follow up from Dairy Carrie is here, plus a spot-on blog post from a veterinarian about Panera’s […] Read more…