
Signs of Spring | via

Signs of Spring

I saw many signs of spring up here in the north country of Minnesota over the weekend – thank goodness! In the age of coronavirus, spring weather and hints of green are a welcome sight, even beyond the usual excitement this time of year to put winter behind us. Time to Golf! Golf courses are […] Read more…

Lilacs and peonies | via

Garden Looks

Oh my, this time of year in my gardens is full of scents and scenes that are glorious. Perhaps it’s because we’ve had what feels like 9 months of winter. (Which is entirely true.) It just makes my heart happy to see so much green and the peony and lilac and rose bush blooms. It’s […] Read more…

Buffalo, MN | via

Hello Summer!

Now that June has arrived, I feel like summer is here and I am wondering why there is still three days of school left. I am ready for Teacher Man and Joe to have a break, although this means that I have an incoming freshman in high school in my house.  Whaaaat? Even though I […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Memorial Day Weekend via

Weekend Snaps | Memorial Day Weekend

I am sitting here writing this post on Sunday night and sipping a very refreshing glass of rose, very grateful for a three-day weekend that makes it seems like we’ve had two Saturdays in a row. (And certainly beyond grateful for the freedoms in the U.S. we have thanks to so many who gave their lives […] Read more…

Garden Walk-About in June | via

Garden Walk-About

I love this time of year in my gardens. It takes a while for plants to really hit their stride in Minnesota, but by early June, I see a lot of green and blooms are starting to make their appearances as well. My trusty garden gnome watches over the gardens. Behind him is a container […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: Flowers and a Family Legacy

I love when the peonies start to bloom – gorgeous color and the flowers smell amazing! This particular peony has special meaning for me – it came from a cutting of the same peony that my Great Grandfather planted on the family farm I grew up on. It’s hardy, tough and vibrant – a lot […] Read more…