
Old Fashioned Recipe box | via

Family Recipes = History & Love.

This past weekend, I spent some time at my father-in-law’s home, visiting and catching up on life. We hadn’t visited for a while and we knew it was time for Joe to see his Grandpa Norman again. My mother-in-law, Mary, sadly passed away last February, and while my husband’s family has experienced a myriad of […] Read more…

Turkey Spaghetti Pie | #switchtoturkey #turkeyeveryday #serveturkey

Turkey Spaghetti Pie

I wasn’t going to blog tonight, but I feel I must share with you these two recipes I made today – Turkey Spaghetti Pie and the most amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe. I took a day off because it’s fall break for schools in Minnesota, and I really wanted to spent the day with my […] Read more…