
LuLaRoe Madison

Random Update #567

I should be working right now. I have so. much. to. get. done. But alas, it’s 9:05 p.m. and I just want to blog some randomness. Is that so wrong? 1) I may have ordered two new pairs of shoes tonight. I know, I know — like I need more shoes. But you guys. Look […] Read more…

A Two-Nap Sunday & Other Randomness

I am feeling completely random tonight, so I’m going to list my stream of consciousness and see what happens. Ready, set go: I took two naps today. Two! I seriously can’t remember the last time I did that. I think even Teacher Man – who is really an excellent Sunday afternoon napper – was surprised. […] Read more…

Girls Weekend in Des Moines | via

Girls Weekend in Des Moines? Hell Yes!

Can four women have fun on a girls weekend in Des Moines? Last weekend was my 14th annual girls weekend with my cousin – which just made me realize that this whole girls weekend thing has been going on longer than my marriage. Wow. Some background: The girls weekend has always involved myself and my […] Read more…