
Wordless Wednesday: Wishful Thinking.

Wishful thinking for a garden bed full of bright, colorful zinnias. Current temperature: -8 degrees (and that doesn’t count the wind chill). Yes, it’s January and yes, it’s Minnesota. But I can still take out my garden catalogs and wish for warmer, spring days. It’s what we do here in Minnesota when the weather gets […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: I Want My Fun Shoes Back

I think I’ve worn my snow boots more this winter than in any other winter in recent memory. That’s what it seems like, although perhaps it’s because winter seemed to start earlier and the past six weeks have been ridiculously cold. (Yes, even for the Minnesota tundra.) Or maybe I’m just getting older, which leaves […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday.

Or … where is spring? Certainly not here in Minnesota yet. Rain, sleet and snow are all predicted for tonight/tomorrow – perhaps as much as 8 or 10 inches of snow. Sigh. I should be happy there is moisture on the way, but I’d prefer the rain over the snow. I’m picky like that … […] Read more…