It’s Sunday night and, as is our usual custom, Joe and I are plopped on the couch in our porch. He’s watching a video on his iPad and I’m working on this blog plus my weekly blog I write for Earl the pug is on the floor right below us, snoring away after the rough day he had of laying around, mainly napping with an occasional foray outside. Life is rough for a 13-year-old pug.

The past few days have been busy but fun, with a birthday to celebrate, a Saturday afternoon date with Teacher Man, and a baking extravaganza on Sunday. We also started the new year of Sunday School at church this morning – and it’s freaking me out that this is Joe’s last year of Sunday School before he starts confirmation classes. How exactly did that happen? I’m pretty sure it was just yesterday that he was 4 and he had separation anxiety with me at church – which is why I ended up being his very first Sunday School teacher. 🙂 Now, he walks around church like he owns the place. My how life changes!

Here are a few photos from my weekend.

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Happy Birthday to my Mom! Here’s a birthday #selfie we took at her birthday celebration dinner with the family last Thursday at Lola’s Lakehouse.

Goofy cousins | via

Joe and Audree got campy for the camera at the birthday celebration. These two always make all of us laugh.

My Girl Morgan | via

My niece, Morgan, is really growing quickly. I think I’d love to freeze time a little to enjoy this baby phase a little longer.

Buffalo Rock Winery | via

Teacher Man and I finally (finally!) visited the winery that is literally just a few miles from our house – Buffalo Rock Winery. It didn’t disappoint – an extensive collection of wines to try and the woman who owns the winery and makes all the wine was so nice and very enthusiastic about what she does. We had a great time chatting with her and she even gave us a sneak sip of a wine she is hoping will be approved for official tasting in the next couple of weeks.

Buffalo Rock Winery | via

For some reason, Teacher Man felt like this was totally me! 😉

Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls | via

Confession: I’m 45 and I don’t think I’ve ever made cinnamon rolls truly from scratch. Today, though, that changed! I tried these Caramel Apple Cinnamon Rolls (with cream cheese frosting) from Lauren’s Latest blog and they were delicious. It’s quite a process – first I made the dough, which had to rise a couple of hours; then I put the rolls together and waited for those to rise a bit more; finally I could bake and frost. All of this meant I had a roll for dessert tonight with a giant glass of cold milk, while the boys had their Sunday night Blizzards from Dairy Queen, another ritual of ours.

I am now reminded why I run regularly: for my wine outings and for baked treats on Sunday.

Earl the Pug | via

I leave you with Earl the pug, who was described as “a legend” by a friend of mine on Friday. There’s just something about this face that makes Earl so endearing to so many people. Love this dog!

Have a great week!






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