Here’s the thing: if you think my life should get less crazy the week after Thanksgiving, then you would be wrong, actually.

I know, right? This seems to fly contrary to common sense, given I work in communications for the #1 turkey producing state in the U.S. and I just got through what would seem to be my busiest time of the year. (And it is busy, no doubt.) But I am here to tell you, right now, that life only gets busier from this moment forward.

There are many reasons for this elevated state of, well, busy-ness, if you will. I am not, however, going to bore you with any of them. I am, instead, going to share five pictures from this week and tell you – I think I’m a little giddy from getting through this particular work week, actually.

Okay, enough with the funny talk. Here are the photos:

High Five For Friday | via

Our Monday faces. (#LoveThisKid) Earl the Pug’s is in motion, which is typical for him. I take many photos to get one very still shot of him. He seems to dislike the camera, which is funny to me given how enormously cute and photogenic he is.

High Five For Friday | via

Aside from my turkey ornaments, these are my new sparkly favorites … a set of three that remind me of my love for all things France, and especially Paris. Which reminds me, when am I going to back to Paris? Sigh.

High Five For Friday | via

This is my kitchen counter every night after supper. 5th grade math. Which, as you might imagine given my communications background, is not my most favorite thing to assist with. I’m only hoping Joe has inherited even a tiny bit of the math genius that comes from my mother’s side of the family (no offense Dad!). (True: Joe practically aces every math test. But also true: I think he may like math as much as I do. Which is to say, not that much.)

High Five For Friday | via

We are not doing Elf on the Shelf this year my house. (Insert huge sigh of relief. In other words, I won’t be waking up at 4:30 in the morning in sheer panic that I forgot to move the little bugger.) However, I am in the midst of doing a 32-day photo challenge over on Instagram (#IHeartFaces) and day 2 was “Elf.”  So I dug out Mr. Elf on a Shelf (the only elf I apparently have in the house) and couldn’t resist posing him next to a very unassuming Earl the #pug. It’s quite fun that my dog and my son tolerate my random iPhone camera moments of weirdness. (Follow me on Instagram for more photos – @MNGobbleGal!)

High Five For Friday | via

And finally … hello weekend. 🙂 Teacher Man’s cousin posted this on my Facebook wall and it still makes me chuckle. And as one of my other Facebook friends commented, “The dog is always home!”


I’m linking up with September FARMThe Diary of a Real Housewife and The Farmer’s Wife!

Have an amazing weekend, everyone!



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