This has been a tough week. I won’t get into details, but suffice it to say, my entire work week was turned upside down so what I expected to get done early this week, didn’t happen. That left me playing catch-up, which this time of year, is a scary prospect. This is my busiest time of year, so every minute counts – if I lose a day, I definitely notice.

But enough about me and work.

It’s Friday night, y’all!

And I just said y’all. Which is funny, since we don’t say that in Minnesota. I have cousins in Texas, though, so I’m channeling them just for fun, okay?

Let me share a few memorable moments from the past week:

Pint of Harp | via

I’m known for my absolute love of wine, yes. But last Saturday night I met up with my coworkers for a holiday evening out and was able to enjoy my favorite beer ever – Harp – at Kieren’s Irish Pub in downtown Minneapolis. I’ve visited Ireland twice with Teacher Man, which is where I first enjoyed Harp. It’s best over there (sorry, it just is), but if I can get to Kieren’s, a pint of Harp is just about perfection. blog post | via

This is me in my office yesterday, holding a rock that was thrown through our office window way back in 1995 by Animal Liberation Front, an animal activist organization. Yes, they even autographed it. I share this because I wrote a blog post this week for about the decency – or rather, lack thereof – of some vegan activists that I witnessed on social media this week. I hope you know that I have always been pro-food choice and I don’t think it’s right to judge people for what they do or don’t eat; however, when someone threatens another human being in a violent way, I won’t tolerate it. That’s wrong – and ultimately, has little to do with the animal rights vs. agriculture issues and more to do with sick and twisted personalities. You can read my blog post here.

Minnesota is cold! | via

This is how you prepare for School Patrol on a January morning in Minnesota, when the temperature is -4 degrees below zero. (He was being goofy and crossing his eyes on purpose, by the way.) Joe has been on patrol duty all week in the morning. As his mom, I try to not worry as I know it builds good character for him, but I’ll be honest and admit I’m glad school was cancelled on the coldest morning (-30 degrees wind chills!) so he didn’t have to be out there. He’s still my baby, after all, even though he’s almost 11.

Empty refrigerator | via

You are witness to an almost empty refrigerator. Yes, this is what our fridge looked like this morning. And to be honest, it’s not much different tonight. I told you it’s been a tough week. 🙂 I promise I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow.

Homework on Friday? | via

Look at that face. (Full disclosure: Joe’s acting goofy again.) Here’s the real story: Joe will be heading out tomorrow morning to hang with a friend and his family in St. Cloud at a hotel with roller skating, swimming and video games on the docket. (Yes, he is fairly excited.) Because of the schedule, Joe arrived at home tonight after school, told me he had math homework, and then proceeded to say, “I best just get this homework done tonight.”

Um, what?

Yes, it’s true. But I want you to know homework on Friday night doesn’t happen all that often.

So. There you have it – my week. 🙂 I’m thinking Teacher Man and I might go see the movie, The Imitation Game, this weekend as long as we’re “Joe-less.” Have you seen it?

I’m linking up with Diary of a Real Housewife, The Farmer’s Wife and September FARM today.  Have an amazing weekend, everyone!


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