How was your weekend?

We had gorgeous fall weather here in Minnesota – sunny and 60s for temps, plus not too windy. While my favorite season is summer, I will say that October weekends like we just had are quite stunning. I only hope we have a few more of these days before the early stages of winter make an appearance.

(College football side note: The U of MN Gophers lost abysmally to Northwestern but Teacher Man’s Iowa Hawkeyes strolled out of UW-Madison with a win, so at least one of us was happy.)

(Pro football side note: Vikings lost, but not nearly as bad as we thought the game would be. Which I guess is  saying … something?)

And now, without further ado, my weekend in a few snaps:

Weekend Snaps | via

#Harvest15 has kicked into high gear and this was my view Saturday morning while going for a run. I love the smells of harvest, which maybe sounds weird but there are certain scents that just remind me of growing up on the farm and the combines getting rolling this time of year.

Weekend Snaps | via

The farmer in the above photo was harvesting soybeans. This is the corn in a nearby field.

Weekend Snaps | via

My mom surprised me with this adorable Halloween quilt! Teacher Man drove out to the farm Saturday morning to “sight in” his gun so that he’s all ready for deer hunting season in November. He came home after lunch with this quilt. Not a bad deal all the way around! (Thanks, Mom!)

Weekend Snaps | via

Ah, yes. This is what weekends are for, my friends. Teacher Man got back from the farm and we decided a little mini-date to the local Buffalo Rock Winery was in order. We tried a new cranberry wine (above – good if you like cranberries and not as sweet as you might think) and a dry white called Blond Bomber, which we really liked.

Weekend Snaps | via

Meanwhile, Joe had a friend over for a sleepover and the two spent a solid 5 minutes in the kitchen concocting this “premier” junk food mix: Cheez Its, Doritos, Popcorn and two kinds of Pringles.

Boys. And these two are peas in a pod – so funny to hang with.

Weekend Snaps | via

It wouldn’t be the weekend if I didn’t bake something. (I know, I know … but I can’t help it.) When I saw this Apple Fritter Cake recipe, I knew I had to make it. I have a thing for apple fritters and I also have a thing for cake so what could go wrong? 🙂

Which brings me to tonight … a piece of Apple Fritter Cake (okay, my 2nd piece of cake – #NoJudging) and the season premieres of Madam Secretary and The Good Wife. A good ending to a pretty great weekend.

I’ll be back soon with a fall garden update and another turkey recipe!


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