Tryng Rodan+Fields | via #RFLife

It’s called #RFLife on social media – which stands for Rodan + Fields Life. And it’s full of postings of women (and even some men) who have tried this skincare program and found it to be life-changing.

I will readily admit that I had been fairly skeptical about this skincare company, mainly because it is quite pricey and I typically get my skincare needs at Target. I work for a nonprofit organization, after all, and I don’t have the budget to be spending hundreds of dollars on skincare. Plus, I don’t think my skin has looked overly terrible by any means. Sure, I see wrinkles and crow’s feet and dullness and all those other things that are creeping up in my late-40s, but I wasn’t grappling with anything major.

My friend Bethany, however, convinced me to give Rodan + Fields a try. (Bethany used to be a fabulous communications professional and I’ve known her for many years. She made the switch to selling R+F full-time just recently, which allowed her to realize her long-time dream of staying at home with her three adorable kids. I couldn’t deny her. She’s very persuasive – but in a non-annoying way!)

I took the online quiz about the troublesome areas I’d like to see fixed and the R+F website magically told me I needed to try the “Reverse” regimen to help even out and brighten up my skintone and fix some of my sun damage. (Did I mention I was a lifeguard and swimming instructor for about six years in high school and college? And that I have always loved having a tan. Yeah, my bad.)

I sent Bethany my payment, told her to “sign me up!”, and she promptly shipped out the regiment for me to try – no strings attached. (In other words, I didn’t have to promise to blog about it or post on social media or anything like that. This was just for me to try and see what I thought.)

I started the regimen on January 1, 2016. You know, clean slate, new year, and all that. I can tell you that there were a lot more steps than I was used to doing with my current skin program, which basically consisted of Dove soap and some moisturizer with SPF. But I got used to the process and built in a couple of extra minutes in the morning and at night to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing.

And you know what? My skin feels fantastic! I would say I noticed a difference within a couple of weeks for sure – my skin just felt so much softer, smoother, and so hydrated. I wasn’t battling dry skin anymore and I swear my crows feet seemed diminished. After a couple of months, I could see my skin tone even out a bit. Nothing drastic, mind you, but it was noticeable to me. I think my skin just looks, well, healthier and not as drab and dull as it did before.

Tryng Rodan+Fields | via #RFLife

You can see my before-and-after pictures above, of course. (And yes, I’m just a tiny bit freaked that I posted these #nomakeup selfies on my blog page!) In retrospect, I wish I had taken them somewhere other than my bathroom, which tends to have a pinkish-yellow glow to the lighting. But I think I can see a difference between January 1 and April 1.

I’m not sure where I will go from here. I will definitely be looking at the products, talking to Bethany, and considering what kind of budget I have. But I will say that I am no longer skeptical about #RFLife – I have seen it work for myself.

Tryng Rodan+Fields | via #RFLife

Have you tried any Rodan + Fields products? If so, how did they work for you?


I was not compensated for this post or for any products I used (although I did get the products for a slight discount) and opinions are strictly my own. If you are interested in learning more about Rodan + Fields products, feel free to contact R+F Consultant Bethany Hahn here or via email.



2 Comments on Trying Out Rodan+Fields

  1. Hi Lara – Was thrilled to “meet” you through the Sunday’s Simple Homemaker linkup! So glad you dropped by, and then to see this post on Rodan & Fields. My cousin is a R & F consultant and the results are really amazing! You look GREAT and I loved learning more about these great products.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Allie! And how fun that you found my R & F post … I am really thrilled with the products for sure and am glad I got past my skepticism to try them! 🙂


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