The lighting outside was pretty decent this morning so I decided to snap a few pics of my gardens and containers before I headed to the office.

I wonder if my neighbors ever see me wondering around with my iPhone at 7:30 a.m. and wonder what I’m doing? Although … we’ve lived here for 16+ years and I think I’ve been blogging for at least 5 years so probably no one even pays attention at this point!

I’d venture to say you’ve seen most of these shrubs and flowers on my blog this summer but every week, they seem to be in the midst of a different stage. Hydrangeas are that way for sure … they morph into several colors by the time the season ends.

Gah! Did I just write “the season ends?” I don’t want to think about it! Not ready for … the w{inter} word at all!

Oh, let’s just focus on the here and now, shall we?Annabelle Hydrangea via

My Annabelle hydrangeas are ginormous this year! We had some wind blow in with a storm later this evening (after I took this photo) so I’m hoping they aren’t too droopy now. 

Tip: If you want to cut these big blooms for drying, make sure they are this gorgeous green color. The blooms start out white, but if you cut them at that point, they won’t last long and you’ll have a droopy mess!

Little Lime Hydrangea via

Look at the blooms on these Little Lime Hydrangeas – such a gorgeous mix of antique pinks, greens, and creams! I have three of these shrubs planted along the front of our four-season porch and they are definitely one of my favorites!

Bobo Hydrangea via

This is my Bobo Hydrangea, which is smaller than most other hydrangea varieties, which makes it a perfect accent in front of our house. The hot pink Dianthus gives my front porch entrance a nice kick of color, too!

Container Gardening via

My containers on the west side of the house are really holding up well, considering that’s the side that gets 950 degree temperatures (give or take – ha!) and all the wind blowing down our cul-de-sac. The Alyssum, especially, is looking gorgeous – and I love the contrast of the white flowers with the geranium foliage behind it. 

Container Gardening via

Speaking of containers … this coleus + double impatiens mix has been absolutely perfect for my shady front porch. 

Container Gardening via

And I have to continue to share my love for pretty Lantana. The flowers looks so delicate, but let me tell you, this annual is one tough cookie. She takes just about anything the west side of my house throws at her and never looks bedraggled.

PeeGee Hydrangea Tree via

One more hydrangea to show you – this one, my Peegee Hydrangea Tree on the front corner of the house. It’s pink and white blooms are signaling that fall isn’t too far away.

Swizzle cherry zinnia via

I’ve shared my obsession for these Swizzle Cherry Zinnias before. Clearly I can’t resist posting yet another photo … but can you blame me? 

Zinnias and hydrangeas are definitely two of my true loves when it comes to the gardens, especially this time of year. Both are super showy in different ways, I think. Zinnias are ‘look at me and all of my bright color glory!’ while hydrangeas are soft and pretty and romantic but still make a big impact. 

From the looks of things around here, I’ll be posting some pretty gorgeous fall sedums pretty soon, so stay turned! In the meantime, have a great start to your week!

xoxo – Lara

2 Comments on Hydrangeas & Zinnias & Containers, Oh My!

    • How fun! And yes, it won’t be long and yours will be as big as mine … so fun to watch! 🙂


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