Month: June 2019

Lilacs and peonies | via

Garden Looks

Oh my, this time of year in my gardens is full of scents and scenes that are glorious. Perhaps it’s because we’ve had what feels like 9 months of winter. (Which is entirely true.) It just makes my heart happy to see so much green and the peony and lilac and rose bush blooms. It’s […] Read more…

Spring Piano Recital |

Spring Piano Recital

I hope you will allow me a proud mom post today. 😉 Joe had his spring piano recital and played a song called “Guilty As Charged.” He’s been working on it for several months and it’s an absolutely beautiful song. And today, he basically nailed it! Trust me, he put some extra time into practicing […] Read more…

Photo by Leon Ephraïm on Unsplash

The Fair Oaks Farms Situation

In the world we live in today, it’s easy to condemn an entire company – in this case Fair Oaks Farm, one of the nation’s largest dairy farms – or an entire industry – in this case, farmers – when a revolting video of mistreatment of animals comes out. However, it’s not fair and it’s […] Read more…

Graduation Day for Miss A | via

Graduation Day for Miss A!

It’s a wrap! My niece, Miss A, is now officially graduated from high school and we celebrated her many accomplishments this weekend at her grad party on the farm and at the ceremony today at Buffalo Lake-Hector-Stewart High School. Miss A is smart (so smart!), talented, wicked funny, and poised for success in wherever her […] Read more…