Graduation Day for Miss A | via

It’s a wrap!

My niece, Miss A, is now officially graduated from high school and we celebrated her many accomplishments this weekend at her grad party on the farm and at the ceremony today at Buffalo Lake-Hector-Stewart High School.

Miss A is smart (so smart!), talented, wicked funny, and poised for success in wherever her path leads her. (She’s planning to study international business at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management.) And as I told her brother six years ago after his high school graduation (read here), it is clear that Miss A is ready for college.

And she’s also been an awesome cousin and mentor for Joe. The two have always been close despite their almost-three-year age difference. How lucky they are — cousins who are also good friends are the best! — and how grateful I am to have a close-knit family where we all enjoy spending time with each other.

This weekend, we celebrated Miss A for her big heart, her witty humor, her smarts, her maturity, and her bright future.

Be a pineapple: Stand tall, wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.

Love you, Miss A!

Graduation Day for Miss A | via
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
That’s the top of Miss A’s cap … an homage to Scooby Doo and graduation.
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Quilts made with love by mom are a part of every big family event for us – including baptisms, weddings, and graduations.
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
So many great desserts!
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
Golf is a constant in Audree’s life – she not only plays (and plays well!), she also works at the local golf course. So golf ball party favors is appropriate.
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
The party shed!
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
A rare selfie with my brother (father to Miss A) and my dad!
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Getting the party started with my parents and Miss Morgan.
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Proof that Joe will humor me with a smile on camera once in a while. 😉
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Miss Morgan tried for rabbit ears (maybe?) but held up three fingers instead!
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
The valedictorian the night before the big ceremony. 🙂
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
One of my happy places .. the farm.
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
And then … the ceremony.
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
Giving her valedictorian address in which she asked her fellow classmates to find inspiration in whatever they do in life.
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
Officially a wrap on their high school careers. Miss A is the fourth generation of my family to graduate from the high school in Hector … that’s some pretty neat history!
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Proud parents!
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
Proud grandparents!
Graduation Day for Miss A | via
Yes, you can.

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