PeeGee Hydrangea Tree via

Hydrangeas & Zinnias & Containers, Oh My!

The lighting outside was pretty decent this morning so I decided to snap a few pics of my gardens and containers before I headed to the office. I wonder if my neighbors ever see me wondering around with my iPhone at 7:30 a.m. and wonder what I’m doing? Although … we’ve lived here for 16+ years […] Read more…

August gardens via

August Gardens

August gardens mean … loads of color, endless blooms, and (in my case) an over-abundance of yellow beans (brought on by my enthusiasm for planting seeds in the spring, no doubt)! The flowers are in their hey day, though … enjoy! ‘David’ phlox and ‘Bubblegum’ petunias, which are growing like crazy! I love this combination […] Read more…

Slacking ... and Sunday! via

Slacking … and Sunday!

Okay friends, I have totally been slacking on blog posts lately. I thought summer was supposed to give us more time for fun stuff? I felt like this weekend literally buzzed by on double speed. I think it must be because the countdown to school is really beginning in earnest. Teacher Man’s last week of […] Read more…

Instant Pot Pulled Turkey | via

Instant Pot Pulled Turkey

Note: I may have some affiliate links in this post for items I recommend. If you click those links and purchase an item, I may get compensation; however, this in no way increases the cost of the item to you. I am loving my Instant Pot, friends. And the recipe I’m sharing today for Instant […] Read more…

Moms lip syncing to their kids playing Fortnite

Monday Funny

Who doesn’t love a gut-busting Monday funny after a weekend? (Or in my case, back to work after two weeks out of the office – gah!) If you are a mom (or a dad) and you have boys (or girls) who also happen to be into video games, then you will 100% relate to this […] Read more…

Buffalo Books & Coffee | Buffalo MN

Staycation: Hanging with Joe Day

Another post so soon? I know – what is happening in my world right now? 😉 I just had to share a couple of moments I had with Joe today. Teacher Man left this morning for a two-day golf trip with his good friend, Jim, so Joe and I had the house to ourselves. Joe […] Read more…

Staycation Photos | via

Peaceful Staycation

My staycation has been … peaceful. Relaxing. Stress-free, even.  As much as I love to travel (and I do!), there is something grounding about being able to stay home, follow my own schedule, do what I want to do around the house – when I want to do it. I’ve spent the past couple of […] Read more…

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