Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota

2016 MPF Convention | via

The Big Event & Post-Hibernation

It’s taken me 72 hours of mini-hibernation but I think I’m finally catching up on my sleep. Last Monday I took off for Saint Paul, where my office started set up for the 45th annual Midwest Poultry Federation Convention – the largest show focused solely on the poultry industry in the U.S. The convention itself […] Read more…

Muffin Frittatas #eggs #goodeggproject | via

Easy Muffin Mini Frittatas

Confession: I’m not terribly good at making New Year’s resolutions. For the past several months, however, I’ve been on a bit of a mission to make sure I’m feeding my family a variety of foods and cooking more from scratch with fresh ingredients whenever possible. (Honestly, I think I blame this partly on Pinterest. I’ve […] Read more…

10 Things I Worked On Today

Do you ever wonder what it is I actually do, day-to-day, in the office? If you’ve read some of my past blog posts or my About Me page, then you know I handle communications, social media, meeting planning and a myriad of other things for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and three other poultry-related organizations. […] Read more…

A Few State Fair Favorites.

So Joe and I made our annual trek to the Minnesota State Fair last week. I was actually there to work, but one of the great things about my job is that during the State Fair, I can bring Joe with me. My organizations (the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association […] Read more…

Laying hens

Does a Hen Need a Rooster?

I’m back to writing about chickens tonight … laying hens, to be specific. Last week the organizations I work for (Minnesota Turkey Growers Association and the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota) participated in a special “Agriculture Awareness Day” at the University of Minnesota. The event – organized by a group of dedicated students in […] Read more…

Social Media Numbers Game

(I apologize in advance if this is a long, rambling blog post on social media analytics. I know, the word “analytics” alone is a snore-fest, right? But you see, I’ve been thinking about this subject all day and it’s starting to make my head hurt. However, I decided if I could write down a few […] Read more…