
Eggs and Being Food Safe | Via

Eggs and Being Food Safe

With a large egg recall being announced the past couple of days, it’s a good time to remind you of the details of that plus a few tips on making sure you are being food safe when it comes to eggs. From the Washington Post: Federal officials say nearly 207 million eggs have been recalled […] Read more…

What’s Up with Eggs These Days?

Note from Lara: Here’s a post I wrote for this week and I felt it was worth the share here too. It’s reprinted with permission from Successful Farming/Meredith Corporation. Given the choice of $.99 a dozen conventionally-raised eggs or $5.99 a dozen cage-free eggs, which would you choose to buy for your family? If […] Read more…

Muffin Frittatas #eggs #goodeggproject | via

Easy Muffin Mini Frittatas

Confession: I’m not terribly good at making New Year’s resolutions. For the past several months, however, I’ve been on a bit of a mission to make sure I’m feeding my family a variety of foods and cooking more from scratch with fresh ingredients whenever possible. (Honestly, I think I blame this partly on Pinterest. I’ve […] Read more…

French Silk Pie Recipe - one of the many joys of baking with eggs #goodeggproject #holidaypies | via

The Coolest Egg Separator Method Ever.

The only reason for my post today is show you the coolest way I have ever seen to separate the egg yolk from the egg white. Full disclosure: I have not tried this at home. Yet. But you can bet I will! This looks pretty darn amazing compared to the old-fashioned method of separating the […] Read more…

My Top 6 Blog Posts for 2013

As I head into the New Year, I took a few moments this morning to check out my most-read posts of 2013. It’s always fun to look back to see what really got shared by readers! Not all of these were written in 2013, including my #1 most popular post of all time about pheasant […] Read more…

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