Smitten Kitchen

Welcome, December |

Welcome, December

Welcome to December, friends! I officially ushered in the month by getting a little holiday shopping done, baking up some cranberry cinnamon sweet buns (recipe coming soon!), and watching my fair share of Hallmark Christmas movies.  Buffalo has a pretty awesome little kitchen shop in town – The Abundant Kitchen. They carry a really nice […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Arctic Blast - via

Weekend Snaps | Arctic Blast

Oh my word has it been cold this weekend! I know, I know … I live in Minnesota, after all. But I don’t care how native you are to this state, when you wake up to this on your phone, it’s officially bleeping cold! This kind of cold doesn’t necessarily keep me tethered to the couch […] Read more…

High Five for Friday | via

A September Sunday.

Before I get to Sunday, I must share some Saturday photos. Yes, I know. This doesn’t quite match up with the title of this post, but hey – work with me here. For us, Saturday meant watching our niece, Miss Morgan, while her parents worked. And let me tell you, we all had a complete […] Read more…