May is so busy, you guys — but we’re also getting excited for the end of the school year. Last band concert, last piano recital, last confirmation class … all the lasts of 8th grade are descending upon us. I think it’s safe to say, though, that both boys are definitely ready for summer break.

Today Joe and I finally had a free afternoon so we could go to Avengers: Infinity War – and wow, it was actually pretty awesome! Thankfully Joe was there to whisper tidbits about the characters that I didn’t know. At one point, this was our conversation:

Me: “Wow, I had no idea Thor was such a badass.”

Joe: “Well he is a god, mom.”

Duly noted. 😉

I also did some flower planting this weekend and Teacher Man helped me put cocoa bean mulch down on my flower beds. (My bum tennis elbow is really annoying, although it is feeling marginally better.)

All in all, a fun, not-overly-scheduled weekend after a very busy week that started last Sunday with a family wedding. Enjoy the pics!

xoxo – Lara

Mother's Day wedding | via

My week started last Sunday – Mother’s Day! – at a family wedding. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding … sunny, blue skies, and temps in the 70s. Here I am with my mom, sister, and niece.

Mother's Day wedding | via

And a picture with my Dad!

Mother's Day wedding | via

And how fun is this little pumpkin?! Those eyes of hers, though!

Mother's Day wedding | via

And one of my favorite combos – animal print and turquoise beads!

#Boymom | Via

Fast forward to Thursday evening: my baby boy is not so little anymore … all grown up, just before his last 8th grade band concert.

Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake

I ‘procastibaked’ (yes, this is a thing, I learned this week) a Chocolate Chip Sour Cream Coffee Cake from Smitten Kitchen on Saturday morning. Highly recommend!

LuLaRoe by Lara Durben

I was really good about posting my LuLaRoe outfits almost every day this past week to my Facebook group and business page. Yay me!

LuLaRoe Carly & Jaxon Jean Jacket | via

My favorite sneaks ever! 😉 

Hayes Public House

Whoa – check out how green my eyes look in this picture! 😉  (I took this Saturday afternoon at Hayes Public House in Buffalo – great place to have a beer!)

Mom & son movie date

Mom and son selfie at the movie theater … and trust me Joe had a better time than this photo indicates. He just has to act goofy once I get the phone camera out for a selfie!

Spring gardening | via

A few of my containers just off our front porch.

Spring gardening | via

The irises are starting to bloom!

Spring gardening | via

As are my ‘Yankee Doodle’ lilacs! 

Spring gardening | via

A few pots of herbs surround the frog planter that Joe gave me last year for Mother’s Day. 

Spring gardening | via

And all my gorgeous hostas are growing super fast right now … I just love this time of year!

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