Graduation Day for Miss A | via

Graduation Day for Miss A!

It’s a wrap! My niece, Miss A, is now officially graduated from high school and we celebrated her many accomplishments this weekend at her grad party on the farm and at the ceremony today at Buffalo Lake-Hector-Stewart High School. Miss A is smart (so smart!), talented, wicked funny, and poised for success in wherever her […] Read more…

Spring Gardening via

The Lilacs are Blooming!

The lilacs are blooming! The lilacs are blooming! It feels a bit like a Christmas miracle around here. The long winter. The April blizzard. The constant rain in May. The unusually cool temperatures. But lo and behold, the lilacs are back in their glory. Praise be. The gardens are — finally! — looking more alive […] Read more…

It’s 39 Degrees. (Plus – Turkey Eggs!)

For real. It’s 39 degrees outside on May 19. Very funny, Mother Nature. The winter-like weather didn’t stop this little iris from blooming, though, and that made me smile – while I was outside in my parka and stocking cap covering up my celery, broccoli and onions. Good thing I haven’t planted anything else. I […] Read more…

Gerbera Daisy

Porch Swing Pondering

I’m sitting on my porch swing right now taking in the glorious evening. Light breeze, temps in the low 70s, no mosquitos. Let me put this another way: today was the warmest it’s been since sometime in September of last year. We deserve this evening in Minnesota. But I’m really not here to talk about […] Read more…

Mother’s Day Weekend 2019

My perfect Mother’s Day weekend? I’m pretty easy to please … just give me plenty of time to work in my gardens, cooking a Saturday evening meal at home with my boys, a trip to the local garden store, cookies baking in the oven, a new frog decoration from Joe to add to my collection, […] Read more…

Weekend Wrap-Up |

Weekend Wrap-Up

Apparently I took full advantage of a three day weekend … so much fun packed in, let me tell you! Friday, my sister, niece and I took my mom out for our 3rd annual early Mother’s Day pedicure adventure and we enjoyed lunch out and some shopping in downtown Excelsior, Minnesota. What a fun day! […] Read more…

chocolate flourless torte |

Happy Easter

Hello friends! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend celebrating Easter or Passover, as the case may be. We hosted my family here at our house and it was a wonderful afternoon. We enjoyed Apricot Bourbon Glazed Ham along with cheesy hash brown potatoes, this fruit salad, green beans with a lemon cream sauce, […] Read more…

Cronulla Textured Midi Dress

Pretty Spring Dresses

I’m a dress girl, through and through — although this winter was especially brutal and forced me to gravitate toward my leggings and jeans because — well — warmth. Ultimately I was okay with this. In fact, I found I was actually enjoying wearing jeans again, which was a bit of a shocker to everyone […] Read more…

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